I stumbled upon
this review while checking out
ExpoTV, a site that "features thousands of Videopinions reviews - short, unbiased, consumer-generated videos of products and services" (from their
About Expo TV page).
Right now I don't really have the words to describe what I am feeling about this goldmine of unintentional comedy. I urge you to explore this mother lode of brilliance on your own, but here are a couple of starting points for you if you're interested:
* Hunted339's review of Bush's Baked Beans- "I always like to dress it up a little bit"
- "This is a really good brand. I like the taste."
* Hunted339's review of Suave hand & body lotion- "Nourish your body"
- "The sensuous scent of cinnamon and sandalwood will unleash your alluring side"
- "This is an 18oz bottle that I picked up at Dollar General for, like, uh, three bucks."
* Zoesmommy27's review of Durex Love condoms- "You can buy bigger boxes, if that's what you need"
- "Because sometimes you feel like a little devil, and you should use a condom"
* Jdavitt's review of Budweiser- "I'm gonna have to say that the advertising is pretty, pretty right on the money"
- "Drinking it right out of the, the bottle it comes in is a unique experience."
- "I would recommend it highly to anyone who wants to imbibe."